Saturday, 5 November 2005: 11.50-12.50
METM 05, Barcelona, Spain

The publisher’s point of view: skills needed to support print or web presentation

Ann I. Graul, medical writer and editor, Barcelona, Spain. In her 18 years at Prous Science Publishers, Ann has worked as a writer as well as editor of several journals and books and, more recently, coordinates, writes and edits the online publication Drug R&D Backgrounders. From that ample experience as a writer, she will address the challenges she faces when editing texts by freelance medical writers, providing suggestions for more effective collaboration between freelancers and the publishing companies who contract their services.

Mercè Piqueras, an editor of International Microbiology, will speak from her experience guiding language support service providers on what scientific journals need beyond even high-level English language expertise. Mercè is a freelance writer who interprets the sciences for lay readers in Spain and elsewhere. She is coauthor of a tour guide to the scientific side of Barcelona that has been translated to English and Spanish—Passejades per la Barcelona Científica (Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2002) and the prize-winning Cròniques de l’altra veritat (Rubes Editorial, 2004). A blending of fiction and biography, the second book portrays secondary school students discovering the pleasures of independent bibliographic research and communication through writing and public speaking.

Delegate from Elsevier/Ediciones Doyma—to be announced.